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How to Keep Golf Carts Protected in Winter

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Are you a golf cart owner? If yes, you would know the importance of keeping your cart protected from the harsh weather. In winter, there is a significant risk of damage to your cart if not stored and protected properly. Thus, to keep your cart risk-free, you can take some proactive measures. You can use National Golf Cart Covers to protect your golf cart from damage. This is an effective way to keep your cart safe whether it is outdoors or stored inside. In this article, we’ll explore different ways to safeguard your cart and talk about high-quality covers for golf carts.

golf cart covers

7 Ways to Keep Your Golf Carts Safe in Winter

1. Clean Your Golf Cart Thoroughly

Be sure to store your golf cart in winter but clean it thoroughly before that. There is dirt, debris, and moisture in your cart. This can lead to rusting or corrosion over time. So clean your cart well. Wash the exterior with a soap and water solution. Look closely at the underside of the carriage and clean the accumulated grime. 

When your whole cart is clean, dry it completely to make sure there is no moisture remaining. While cleaning the seats, remove any personal items before storing it for the winter. This entire process decreases the chances of dirt or trapped moisture under the golf cart covers which can cause damage over a while.

2. Check the Tyres and Battery

The tyres and battery should be in optimum condition before your cart is stored away for the winter. You should check the pressure of the tyres and ensure that they are inflated to the recommended level. This way you can avoid flat spots that are caused by long periods of inactivity. 

Once you’re done with the tyres, check the battery. Make sure it is fully charged. Clean the terminals to remove any corrosion. Then disconnect the battery to avoid drainage. Store it in a cool and dry place indoors. Using a good golf cart cover can protect the battery from the winter cold and moisture.

3. Use a High-Quality Golf Cart Cover

Purchase an excellent winter cover for your golf cart; this is one of the cheapest ways of protecting your golf cart from winter. The advantages of such covers are numerous, for example, a good quality cover protects your cart from snow, rain, dust, and dirt. Find a cover that is designed specifically for your cart to fit perfectly. 

The best golf cart covers for sale are made of durable, waterproof materials that will keep your cart free from moisture. It will also provide UV protection. Not only does it protect your cart from the rays of the sun, but also keeps the paint and upholstery from fading as a result of the sun. Another merit of having a covering is that it prevents rodents and insects.

4. Store the Golf Cart in a Safe Location

Do you want your golf cart to remain in as good a condition as possible through the winter? Store the cart indoors whenever possible in a garage or shed and out of the elements. If not indoors, then pick the best outdoor location that can be covered with the best golf cart cover you can find over the cart. 

The storage area should be hazard-free from branches that might fall and accumulations of heavy snow. Elevate the cart slightly from the ground to prevent moisture from seeping in from beneath.

5. Regularly Check on Your Stored Golf Cart

Even with the very best golf cart covers, it is advisable to make checks in and out for your stored cart at intervals through the winter season. Lifting the covers now and then will help to check for moisture, mould, and pest infestations. Check the tyre pressure, then see how the battery is holding its charge. 

Regular checks will keep you notified of any occurring changes, thus bringing small issues to light before they become major repair jobs.

6. Consider Additional Accessories for Protection

Besides the cover, some additional accessories can also protect your golf cart. Wheel covers reduce the chances of getting flat spots on tyres and keep them clean. Seat covers or cushions protect the upholstery from moisture and temperature fluctuations.

A weatherproof enclosure is available for those who keep their carts outdoors. These enclosures shield the entire cart including the wheels and have built-in ventilation to prevent condensation accumulation.

golf cart seat cover

7. Maintain the Cover

Regular maintenance of the golf cart cover is necessary for effective winter usage. Clean the cover from time to time to keep it free from debris and dirt that could scratch surfaces on the cart. If the cover gets wet, dry it completely before putting it back on the golf cart. Examine the cover for any holes or damage and repair them immediately. This will always give the cover effective protection and make it last longer, hence saving money in the future.


Protecting your golf cart in the winter is of utmost importance for performance and appearance. It ensures complete cleaning of the cart, tyre and battery check, high-quality golf cart covers, and safe storage. 

Also, don't forget to check from time to time on the stored cart, as well as the covers, to maximize the protection. With these, your golf cart will be ready to hit the golf course when the warmer weather comes back.

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